Child labor has become a issue around the world but especially in Third world countries in Africa ,Asia,South America because of Over population, poverty, and exploitation.
*Over population-Africa and Asia are the most populated continents in the world. The rate of new born babies increases every year. Accodring to 'Virginia Abernethy', she believes that women are not being careful and not avioding pregnancy. Since there is a lot of poverty in this countries there is no type of birth control or contraceptives, that will stop over population from occurring. It increases the possobility of women getting pregnant. But in other hand countries like Rwanda ,"men won't accept their wives to use contraception and believe they should have up to 8 children. Contraceptives will only make their wives weak and won't be able to work" said Vestine Mukamunana (in a NY Times article). The rates of fertility have not gone down in Rwanda or countries in Africa and Asia. This has become and epidemic problem and most parents are forced to make their children work to be able to survive and not die of malnutrition. According to the article if woman don't use contraceptives by 2010 the population in this continent will increase drastically and will be putting children out of and education and becoming a full time child laborer.
*Poverty-From my point of view the biggest reason why children are forced to work full time is because of Poverty. Most countries economy is down the drain and parents are not able to get a decent salary to maintain there family. It becomes very difficult for parents because most children can't depend on themselves and need to be fed, sheltered,etc . According to an article found online it says"Children when young cannot be anything other than a cost to a family economy." I agree ,the average salary for a person in a day can range from a dollar to a couple cents in most third world countries. With that type of salary a family wont be able to survive and it limits a children from its education,childhood, and have no other choice to help their family by working hard for a couple cents. A representative of the Asian Development Bank said "that Asia is the poorest continent in the world, and about 900 million people are poor. " It is very sad to hear that poverty can not be eliminated and children wont have to suffer and be able to get an education. unfortunately the reality is poverty will always exist and children in third world countries will have to suffer and we just hope that funds like (ADB) can help make a change.
*Exploitation- Many corporations seem to care about the money and will go beyond its limits to stay wealthy and powerful. If this means by expoliting children just to make a big profit,it is garunteed to be done. Most well known American corporations, establish sweatshops or factories in third world countries because the salary is way below compared to wealthier countries. Children have no other choice but to be used and exploited by corporations, or if not they will starve to death or live without a home. From a new times article Unicef said " that fewer than 1 in 20 make goods for export -- and those who do are the most fortunate working children." It seems very ignorant but its the truth,children who are being exploited by working in sweatshops are far beyond lucky. I agree that the corporations are stealing from children, but it provides a salary that will help them not die and survive.